National Equity Atlas Update


Dear Equity Atlas Users,

The Atlas is a living resource, and as such, we are happy to share new features, upcoming webinars, and data-in-action posts that add equity data to the national dialogue about growth and prosperity.

New Neighborhood Maps Added to the Atlas
Today we are launching interactive neighborhood-level mapping for four indicators on the Equity Atlas: people of color, race/ethnicity, unemployment, and disconnected youth. These new maps allow you to visualize data by county or by census tract as well as by city, region, or state. You can also toggle back and forth between different years to see how the geography of opportunity has changed over time and create custom maps using the race/ethnicity and neighborhood opportunity filters.

These maps can help inform targeted hiring and workforce development initiatives as well as infrastructure investments. Learn how they work in the latest data-in-action post which provides a step-by-step guide to this new feature, as well as examples of how to use these maps in your advocacy. You can also register for our 30-minute webinar on November 2 for a live walk through.

Welcoming America Webinar
On October 7, Angel Ross from PolicyLink and Justin Scoggins from the USC Program for Environmental and Regional Equity (PERE) participated in a Welcoming America webinar about immigration and equitable economic development. Participants examined the economic indicators to get a sense of how immigrants are faring in their communities. The archive of the webinar is available on the Welcoming America website.

“Chart of the Week” Series
Every week, we post a new chart drawing from the Equity Atlas related to current events and issues. There are three new posts in our “Chart of the Week” series: a neighborhood-level look at unemployment in St. Louis, an examination of “jobless growth” in Ohio, and a look at working poor in Pittsburgh related to last week’s p4 conference.

Thank you!

The National Equity Atlas team at PolicyLink and the USC Program for Environmental and Regional Equity (PERE)