Insights & Analyses
- insight 1
- insight 2
Drivers of Inequity
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Grow an equitable economy: Policies to promote healthy communities for all
- Establish a coordinated, statewide asthma surveillance system
- Require a health impact assessment of land use planning and development for potential threats to outdoor air quality
- Reduce hazardous chemicals, pesticides and emissions from industrial plants, automobiles, and diesel engines
- Target green investments and jobs to communities with high health risks and inequities
- Grant local government the authority and capacity to take legal action and enforce indoor air quality standards and laws ,
- Train housing inspection agencies to identify and address indoor air quality issues in high risk communities
- Increase access to legal services and resources that enable tenants to enforce local laws and take action against landlords and building management companies
- Prioritize investments in public transportation, convert buses to clean energy, and minimize idling at bus stops
Strategy in Action
West Harlem Environmental Action (WE ACT) Tackles Indoor Mold
In 2004, West Harlem Environmental Action launched Our Housing is Our Health (OHOH) Campaign to address housing issues impacting the health of low-income communities of color in Northern Manhattan and throughout NYC. In 2006, they launched the “Mold is Taking Hold” campaign focused on indoor mold within the city’s low-income housing. WE ACT co-released a report confirming that reports of mold contamination – a severe asthma trigger – had been increasing over 5 years. As a result of those efforts, the city’s toxic mold policy was improved. This was a huge win, particularly for families of color living in poorer neighborhoods like Harlem, where 25% of children suffer from asthma. Read more.