Disconnected youth: All young people should be educated, healthy, and ready to thrive in the workforce.
Insights & Analyses
- Since 2000, youth of color have comprised the largest share of disconnected youth nationwide.
- In 2022, 20 states had a share of disconnected youth equal to or above the national average of 12 percent.
- Native American and Black youth in 2022 had the highest rates of disconnection, at 23 percent and 18 percent, respectively.
- The number of disconnected youth in 1990 was largely driven by young women, but young men were slightly more likely to be disconnected from school or work in recent years.
- Among youth living at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level in the 100 largest US cities, Detroit, Michigan, had the largest share of disconnected youth (30 percent) and Madison, Wisconsin, had the lowest (4 percent).
Drivers of Inequity
Youth of color become disconnected — neither working nor in school — at higher rates than white youth due to disparities in school and neighborhood poverty rates, which are the primary contributors to disconnection. Students of color are more likely to attend high-poverty schools and live in areas with concentrated poverty because of the United States' long history of racial segregation forged through historical practices, including racially exclusive housing covenants and zoning laws, as well as ongoing factors, including discriminatory hiring and mortgage lending. While youth of color and white youth commit crimes at similar rates, youth of color are far more likely than white youth to be suspended from school or involved in the juvenile justice system. These experiences further increase the likelihood that youth of color will become disconnected.
Grow an equitable economy: Policies to help all youth succeed
Expand access to high-quality public education, create cradle-to-career pipelines for vulnerable youth, increase access to affordable childcare, and invest in universal pre-K.
Reform harsh, "zero tolerance" school discipline policies to keep youth in school and on track to graduate.
Develop comprehensive youth employment systems and policies to promote summer youth employment across the education, juvenile justice, and child welfare systems and support policies to address youth disconnection.
Connect youth to career paths through career academies, apprenticeships, workforce training programs, and internships.
Remove law enforcement officers from elementary and high schools and hire more counselors and support staff.
At the federal level, lower and/or eliminate tuition and fees at four-year public colleges and universities, tribal colleges, community colleges, trade schools, and apprenticeship programs, provide additional financial assistance to Historically Black Colleges and Universities, increase and expand access to Pell Grants, and eliminate current student loan debt for all.
Strategy in Action
Promise Neighborhoods help youth beat the odds. Promise Neighborhoods is an interdisciplinary, place-based initiative modeled after the Harlem Children's Zone. The program is working with more than 80 communities to ensure that all children receive the educational, health, and community supports needed to successfully transition from cradle to college and career. Using a disciplined approach, Promise Neighborhoods critically assess how to use cross-sector partnerships to not only build programs but also rebuild systems. The Downtown Hayward Promise Neighborhood (DHPN), for example, brings together 11 schools to coordinate services using a two-generation cradle-to-career model, supporting 5,333 children as of 2023. Building on the work and infrastructure created by two successful prior Promise Neighborhoods in the region, the Downtown Hayward Promise Neighborhood has been able to support early childhood education enrollment, support academic and career support for first generation low-income households, and provide General Education Development (GED) and English as a Second Language (ESL) courses through the local school district and library. DHPN is an expansion of the Hayward Promise Neighborhood (HPN) that, in 2020, supported students who participated graduate at 5 percentage points higher than students that did not participate in the program. Learn more.

Reports: Broad Recovery, Persistent Inequality; Race for Results: Building a Pathway to Opportunity for All Children; Preparing Opportunity Youth for the Future of Work
Toolkit: A Toolkit to Engage Employers and Opportunity Youth on the Future of Work
Data: Measure of America; DiversityDataKids.org; KIDS COUNT Data Center