Race, Risk, and Workforce Equity in the Coronavirus Economy

Over a span of less than three months, the COVID-19 pandemic has radically upended the lives and livelihoods of millions of workers and their families. But while the pain has been widespread, it has not been equally shared: workers of color and immigrant workers are being hardest hit by the loss of jobs and income, and women of color especially are disproportionately employed in the lowest-wage, essential jobs that place them at risk of contracting the virus. In order to inform equity-focused relief and recovery strategies, this report offers a comprehensive, disaggregated analysis of the labor market effects of the coronavirus in the United States and ten metro regions: Boston, Chicago, Columbus, Dallas, Detroit, Miami, Nashville, San Francisco, and Seattle. This analysis was produced through a partnership between the National Equity Atlas and Burning Glass Technologies. Read the report and download the underlying data.
Media: Mounting Unemployment Crisis Fuels Racial Wealth Gap (Politico), COVID-19’s Economic Fallout Is Hitting The Black Community Hard, Too (HuffPost), Here's How The Coronavirus Pandemic Changed The Way Columbus Residents Spend Money (Columbus Business First).