FY18 HFFI-CDFI Notice of Funding Availability

FY18 HFFI-CDFI Notice of Funding Availability

October 2017

Profile: Vicente's Supermarket


For 20 years, Manuel Vicente Barbosa owned and operated a specialty food store in Brockton, Massachusetts, a small city south of Boston. In 2015, the family opened a second, 33,000-square-foot modern, full-service supermarket. The new store would not have been possible without the assistance of the Healthy Food Financing Initiative (HFFI).

Developed by Reinvestment Fund, this profile Vicente's Supermarket documents how the project was supported, financed, and launched.

2017 Community Economic Development Projects (HHS)

Food Co-op Initiative Seed Grants

Cooperative Fund of New England

Video: Vicente’s Tropical Supermarket


Manuel B. Vicente has owned and operated a grocery store Brockton, MA, for 20 years that started as a small specialty food store and has grown into a full-size supermarket. In spring 2015, Vicente opened a second store that almost doubles the size of the existing store and creates a modern, full-service store catering to the tastes and preferences of the Cape Verdean community that predominates the city of Brockton, a suburb south of Boston. The market is located in a low-income census tract (55% of AMI) and serves residents of Limited Supermarket Access areas.

Voices for Healthy Kids Open RFA

Voices for Healthy Kids Incubator Grants