FY18 HFFI-CDFI Notice of Funding Availability

FY18 HFFI-CDFI Notice of Funding Availability

2017 Community Economic Development Projects (HHS)

Food Co-op Initiative Seed Grants

Voices for Healthy Kids Open RFA

Voices for Healthy Kids Incubator Grants

Communities of Innovation: Baltimore City, Maryland


Baltimore City, Maryland faces many of the same food system opportunities and challenges of other post-industrial cities, but the municipal government is aggressively pursuing a “food in all policies” approach by engaging agencies throughout the city. This feature highlights the initial efforts that established this approach, including an effort to institutionalize intergovernmental collaboration, and a few of the subsequent policies aimed at improving food access and supporting urban agriculture throughout the city.

Fixing Food: Fresh Solutions from Five U.S. Cities


Fixing Food presents case studies of programs from five U.S. cities that are helping residents grow and sell healthy food, training the next generation of farmers, and bringing healthy food to places where people gather. 

WEBINAR-Baltimore: A Healthy Food Access Case Study


Officials in cities across the nation are launching their own healthy food policy initiatives designed to bring healthier food options into their communities. Baltimore offers an important example of a city that has successfully implemented an inter-governmental initiative to increase access to healthy and affordable foods in underserved neighborhoods. This webinar offers an in-depth exploration of Baltimore’s healthy food retail programs and accomplishments including its virtual supermarket program, the financing of two recent healthy food markets, and a just released study mapping food quality in Baltimore food markets.