January 2022

Blueprint for the Next Generation of Place-Based Policy: Community Restoration and Revitalization Fund


This policy example outlining an approach for the design and implementation of the proposed Community Restoration and Revitalization Fund (CRRF) is a companion to the report, A Blueprint for the Next Generation of Federal Place-Based Policy.  The blueprint offers a two-step process for policy analysis and program design that starts with high-level, analytical questions that help provide the aspirational framework for then addressing a series of specific design decisions. It aims to help federal agency officials, congressional staff, and policy advocates design place-based policies and programs that respond to the priorities of local practitioners to actively address racial inequity and injustice, bridge sectors and policy domains, respect and build community voice and power, deliver sufficient resources and lasting system reforms, and promote continuous learning.

January 2022

Blueprint for the Next Generation of Place-Based Policy: Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing


This policy example is a companion to the report, A Blueprint for the Next Generation of Federal Place-Based Policy, and offers consideration of how the blueprint’s recommendations might apply to the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH). The blueprint offers a two-step process for policy analysis and program design that starts with high-level, analytical questions that help provide the aspirational framework for addressing a series of specific design decisions. It aims to help federal agency officials, congressional staff, and policy advocates design place-based policies and programs that respond to the priorities of local practitioners to actively address racial inequity and injustice, bridge sectors and policy domains, respect and build community voice and power, deliver sufficient resources and lasting system reforms, and promote continuous learning.

January 2022

Blueprint for the Next Generation of Federal Place-Based Policy: Promise Neighborhoods


This policy example is a companion to the report, A Blueprint for the Next Generation of Federal Place-Based Policy, and offers consideration of how the blueprint’s recommendations might apply to the Promise Neighborhoods program. The blueprint offers a two-step process for policy analysis and program design that starts with high-level, analytical questions that help provide the aspirational framework for then addressing a series of specific design decisions. It aims to help federal agency officials, congressional staff, and policy advocates design place-based policies and programs that respond to the priorities of local practitioners to actively address racial inequity and injustice, bridge sectors and policy domains, respect and build community voice and power, deliver sufficient resources and lasting system reforms, and promote continuous learning.

January 2022

Blueprint for the Next Generation of Place-Based Policy: Transportation


This policy example is a companion to the report, A Blueprint for the Next Generation of Federal Place-Based Policy, and offers consideration of how the blueprint’s recommendations might apply to transportation policy and investments. The blueprint offers a two-step process for policy analysis and program design that starts with high-level, analytical questions that help provide the aspirational framework for then addressing a series of specific design decisions. It aims to help federal agency officials, congressional staff, and policy advocates design place-based policies and programs that respond to the priorities of local practitioners to actively address racial inequity and injustice, bridge sectors and policy domains, respect and build community voice and power, deliver sufficient resources and lasting system reforms, and promote continuous learning.

January 2022

Advancing Equity in Year 2 of the Biden Administration


President Biden took on the monumental task of being the first administration to name equity as the responsibility of the federal government. The work of this second year must be focused on ensuring efforts to advance equity not only deepen but endure across future administrations. This brief outlines how the Biden Administration can hold itself accountable to its equity commitments and build on this foundation to ensure the federal government finally serves all people.
