November 2020

Lessons from the All-In Cities Anti-Displacement Policy Network


Cities thrive when all people can live in safe, stable, affordable homes in healthy neighborhoods connected to opportunities without fear of displacement. In 2018, PolicyLink created the All-In Cities Anti-Displacement Policy Network (ADPN), a national network of more than 65 leaders from 11 cities to work together to fight displacement and build thriving cities. Over the course of a year, the network participants developed anti-displacement strategies for their cities while building the power, voice, and capacity of communities directly impacted by displacement in defining challenges and advancing solutions. This report provides a summary of the network — what we did, outcomes, and emerging lessons for the field. It is written to help funders, policy advocates, and others who lead networks refine approaches so we can more effectively address displacement and build prosperous cities for all. Download the brief.

November 2020

Race and the Work of the Future: Advancing Workforce Equity in the United States


In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, massive job losses, rapidly evolving business models, and accelerating technological change are dramatically reshaping the US economy. This report, produced in partnership with Burning Glass Technologies and the National Fund for Workforce Solutions, provides a comprehensive analysis of long-standing racial gaps in labor market outcomes, the economic impacts of Covid-19, and the racial equity implications of automation. It provides an in-depth analysis of disaggregated equity indicators and labor market dynamics, finding that White workers are 50 percent more likely than workers of color to hold good jobs and that eliminating racial inequities in income could boost the US economy by $2.3 trillion a year. In addition to detailed data analysis on the state of racial inequities in jobs and opportunity, the report offers a bold framework for action to advance workforce equity, where racial income gaps have been eliminated, all jobs are good jobs, and everyone who wants to work has access to family-supporting employment.

Media: How Companies Can Help Conquer Racial Inequity and Create Future Work for Black Americans (Black Enterprise) 

Webinar Recording: Race and the Work of the Future: Advancing Workforce Equity
