
A recent poll found that a staggering 78 percent of Americans are now in favor of a federal job guarantee. Although it has been largely erased from public memory, the job guarantee was a centerpiece not only of FDR’s second bill of economic rights, but also of the civil rights movement’s policy agenda. Coretta Scott King mobilized 1.2 million people to march for full employment in the late 1970s.

America's big cities are becoming increasingly diverse – and California's urban centers are leading the way.

On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. While the speech is widely quoted for its hopeful message, we too often ignore the purpose of the speech and the specific demands of the march organizers – to advance the civil and economic rights of African Americans, and create good jobs with family-supporting wages for all.

More than 1.5 million residents fled the Bay Area between 2010 and 2016 due in part to the rising cost-of-living, including San Joseans who are increasingly forced out.

Angela Glover Blackwell, Founder in Residence of PolicyLink, started the organization in 1999 with a mission of advancing racial and economic equity for all.
