
January 2014

How a Group of Philanthropists Broke the Mold and Unlocked the Power of Collaboration


Winter 2014 edition of the National Civic Review features Judith Bell and Larry Cohen discussing the Convergence Partnership’s approach to place-based environmental and policy change, using the power of collaboration to create a “field of fields.”

We invite your feedback and ideas on our Job Guarantee principles, and hope you will join in working to move this critical policy forward.  

Register for the launch of our webinar series:

Wednesday, May 30 from 10 – 11 PT / 1-2 ET.
The Job Guarantee: Cornerstone for an Equitable Economy 

Speakers include:

Regressive fines-and-fees systems that strip wealth from low-income families and people of color not only hinder the financial security of vulnerable families, they also compromise the economic strength of cities and regions overall. But community leaders and local officials can take the lead to reform these systems, using an equity lens to design fair, just, and sustainable systems to finance public budgets. This webinar will focus on strategies to reform inequitable court fines and fees to support the economic security and mobility of low-income residents.

Featured Speakers:
