Workforce Equity: Building an Economy That Works for All
An equitable labor market ensures racial income gaps are eliminated, all jobs are good jobs, and everyone who wants to work has access to family-supporting employment. However, stagnant wages, declining worker power, and increased economic deregulation have left more workers underpaid, excluded from wage protections, and unprotected by fair labor standards. Historical and ongoing policies that undervalue the labor of people of color and women continue to push these workers into low-paying, precarious jobs.
While eliminating racial disparities in employment within high-wage, durable sectors is a vital equity goal, it is equally essential to raise the floor on job quality for everyone. Shared prosperity begins with equitable wages, stable employment, safe working conditions, and strong labor protections, forming the foundation of economic well-being and thriving communities.
To support this vision, the National Equity Atlas has released five new indicators to inform strategies for building a labor market that works for all.
As the United States becomes more diverse with each new generation, building an economy that works for all will require strategic investments in people, particularly youth of color, to address long-standing racial disparities in our communities, education systems, and workforce.