
Projects supported by the latest round of grants include A Thousand Ships, a new play by Oakland-native Marcus Gardley that tells the story of women who came to the Bay Area to work in the shipyards during World War II (California Shakespeare Theater); J-Town, Chinatown, Our Town, a multidisciplinary work rooted in Brenda Wong Aoki's family's 121-year history in San Francisco (

The Zuni Youth Enrichment Project (ZYEP) is devoted to helping youth develop resiliency on the Zuni Pueblo in New Mexico. Constructing a new youth center and park has long been one of the tribe’s key aspirations. The Zuni people realized they could amplify their impact by integrating Zuni art and culture into the planning, design and building of a new 2.5-acre park, H’on A:wan (of the people) Community Park, which opened to the public on September 29, 2018.

The New York City-based Surdna Foundation has announced grants totaling more than $3 million in support of organizations working to foster just and sustainable communities in the United States.

A zip code is much more than just a five digit number. It can tell you where to send mail, where a person lives and where they work. The impact of that number can also reach far beyond geographic location; it can reveal inequality and the likelihood of upward mobility in different locations. Medical professionals have begun to consider zip code as an indicator of health, well-being and even life expectancy.

Mitch Landrieu, the former Mayor of New Orleans and recipient of the 2018 JFK Profiles in Courage Award for his decision to remove four Confederate monuments from that city, noted on accepting the award that "[c]enturies-old wounds are still raw because they were not healed right in the first place. Here is the essential truth. We are better together than we are apart."
