Getting Started with the Lab

The Racial Equity Data Lab is a space for equity champions to combine their own expertise on their community’s experiences, assets, and needs with the deeply disaggregated data in the Atlas using Tableau Public.

In the Lab you can:

1. Access Tableau 

Visit our Using Tableau page to set up your own account to use the Tableau Public app or work directly in the Tableau Public site using your internet browser.

2. Create Your Own $15/Hour Fact Sheet

Download our starter viz to create and customize a $15/hour fact sheet for your geography. The Step-by-Step Guide provides instructions on how to select your geography, customize the elements of the $15/hour fact sheet, explore the data, and incorporate your own expertise on why a $15/hour minimum wage matters for racial equity in your community.

3. Access Data

Access Tableau-ready data sets to download Tableau starter workbooks for Atlas indicators. The Housing Burden starter workbook and Median Wages starter workbook include built-in features such as example charts, filters, and parameters to allow users to explore the data by year, geography, race, sex, nativity, and ancestry. 

4. Design Your Own Data Visualizations

Using Data Visualization Basics and best practices, create a data visualization that illustrates key data points, identifies underlying causes and drivers of inequity, and lifts up powerful equity solutions.

5. Explore Equity Data Visualizations

Explore our Gallery page to view other racial equity data visualizations built through the Lab. 




Selena Tan
Selena Tan